Recent updates on Mineworlds

You will be able to read about almost every update made here.

Posted by Jocke155

A new origin update #2

Recent progress have been focused on the new spawn area, but also to improve on the clan system and the integrations with the claims.

The server is also updated to 1.13, and we have introduced a new danger for clans. The "Clan Phantom" is a mob that have a chance to spawn during the night above clan claims. They will hunt players down if they haven't slept in three days and will have great rewards if you manage to kill it. It is a rare event however, so keep your eyes open during the night!

The new spawn which is at the center of the world.

We have also announced that the current server will replaced with the new one, since the 1.13 update is so huge that is is pretty much not possible to update the old one from 1.12.2.

For now, the old one will exist like it does today, until the new one is ready to replace the old one. The new one is currently in the closed beta stage, but it is possible to apply for staff which gives you access to the closed beta for testing purposes.

A new origin

At the time of writing this, we in the Mineworlds team are working on something big. Probably one of the biggest updates ever in Mineworlds history.

The update will consist in 3 main parts with completely unique systems: Clans, Claims and Dungeons. Right now we are in the prototype stage, and these systems are under development.

We at Mineworlds have always strived to make it easier to play with friends, but at the same time we want to offer a challenging survival experience. In Clans, this becomes an opportunity where you as a player can team up together to fight against the dangers and obstacles that are out in the wilderness.

The current Claim system has both disadvantages and advantages, but we have chosen to make our own Claim system that will interact with the Clans. Claims will protect you from greifing by other players, but will also be a free zone from monsters. Monsters will not be able to spawn in your claim, and they will not be able to see you if they are outside the claim and you are in it.

Dungeons will be special worlds where you as players can go join up together in a “party” and kill bosses and monsters for rewards. Unlike how Riften works in the current version the equipment is separate from survival-world and you can choose which class you wish to play as before you start with an instance.