Quick Start guide – Pluginutveckling

This guide will serve as a general quick start guide for new developers who want to start developing plugins for Spigot.


Step 1: Setting up a test server.

  1. Download Server.zip
  2. Unzip files and start “StartServer.bat
  3. When the server has finished, try to connect to it with Minecraft –> Multiplayer –> Direct Connect –> localhost
  4. If you successfully connect to the server so everything works as it should.

Step 2. Setting up the development environment IntelliJ.

  1. Create a new project and select “Project SDK 1.8
  2. Choose a project name, for example “MineworldsPlugin
  3. Select “File –> “Project Structure” and verify that the SDK is version 1.8 and “Project Language Level” Java 8.
  4. In “Project Structure” select “Libraries” and add “spigot-1.15.2.jar” that library. (The same file that you received with the Server.zip)
  5. In “Project Structure” select “Artifacts” and enjoy the +. Select “Jar — Empty”. Under “Available Elements”, double clicking “MineworldsPlugin compile output. At “Name” top, write the name of the project, ex “MineworldsPlugin
  6. then “Apply” and “OK”.
  7. Under “src” right click and choose “New –> Package”. Rename this “me.dittnamn.pluginnamn” , or e.g. “eu.mineworlds.plugin“.
  8. Right-click the package and select “New –> Class” and name it “Main“.
  9. Right-click on “src” select “New –> File and name it “plugin.yml“.

Step 3. Enter plugin.yml as outlined below, but with your information. For documentation about what plugin.yml may contain click here.

main: eu.mineworlds.plugin.Main
api-version: 1.13
name: Plugin
version: 1.0.0
author: Jocke155
website: https://mineworlds.eu

Step 4. Start programming plugin. Examples of empty Main-Class below. Documentation spigots API is available here.

package eu.mineworlds.plugin;

import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;

import java.util.logging.Level;

public class Main extends JavaPlugin
    public void onEnable()
        getServer().getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Hello World!");

    public void onDisable()
        getServer().getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Bye World!");

Step 5. Install and test the plugin.

  1. I IntelliJ, select “Build” top of the menu, since “Build Artifacts”. If no error message appears, you should have received a jar file called “Pluginnamn.jar” in the project “out — > Artifacts” folder. (ProjektmappoutartifactsPluginnamnPluginnamn.jar)
  2. Copy the jar file and place it in the server “plugins”-folder.
  3. Type “reload” the server terminal or reboot the server.
  4. If you have made the right, it should read “Hello World!” the server terminal when the plugin is loaded, and “Bye World!” when unloadas.

Download sample project here.

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