
Clans are perfect for players who want to play together and have common progress, but it is also possible to create one if you are self. The advantage of creating a clan is that it unlocks the ability to use the clan Claims and tokens, which you can read more about below.

The clan, a level that increases as players in the clan gathers experience. Anything that gives you the experience of survival increases clan level.

Clan Teleport – Cooldown decreases with 20 seconds per level. Starts on 250 seconds.
Verified Clan – Can be requested when the clan reaches level 10 and is active.

Create a Clan

To create a clan type /cl create <namn> . You can then invite friends /cl invite <spelare>.

Clan Claims

A Clan SpaceClaim is an area that is owned by a clan. This area can be raided by other clans and unlock the ability to deploy Clan Upkeep.
A SpaceClaim both have upkeep and is selected as a base is very difficult to raid.

There are two ways to create Clan Claims on:
1. When a clan member writes /cl claim within a private Claim.
2. Place Clan Upkeep going to buy in /cl shop

Only 1 Clan Claim can be marked as the clan's base. To mark a Clan SpaceClaim as a base, write /cl base

Clan Upkeep

Clan Upkeep is a block that is placed within a Clan Claim. These can not be taken up, but destroyed by other clans. Upkeep makes it harder for other clans to raid the.
You can also see the Clan Claimens exp, level and if someone raided the clan by right-clicking on the block.

In this you can store Tokens and other valuable items. When you become raidad you lose you have to be a certain % all items.
For single objects in a slot, it is to be 10% chance of dropped.
For stacked objects is lost 10% the articles.

To place the upkeep buy the block of /cl shop then places it in Claim.

Raid Items

A Raid Item is an object that has been stolen from another clan during a raid. These objects have specific limitations for the defending clan will be able to raid back.
A stolen objects have lore: [Stolen from Clan] where the name corresponds to the clan where the object later was stolen from.
Raid Item
Restrictions outside the Clan Claims:
* One can just left-click on the item.
* You can only place the object in a Clan Claim.
* You can not drop the object.
* You can not teleport long distances when you have a Raid Item on you. (Max 5000 blocks)
Inside Clan Claims function object as usual.


Tokens are special items that you can find in lootboxes or buy in the shop. They are used by each command, and upkeep placed in.
You can have personal tokens /tokens -menu


Death Token
– Used to unlock /back
– costing 1 Token
– Takes you back to your last death Position

Summon Token*
– Used to unlock /summon
– Teleport entire clan to you. Can be used, for example, if you need the help of your clan directly
– costing 1 Token

Warp Token*
– Doing so that you can put out warps as the clan can use /setwarp /warp
– costing 2 Tokens to create, 1 to use

Track Token
– Makes /track can be used for claims or other players
– Can track claims if you have the claim id. Can also track players who are not in your clan

Exp Token
– To do that you do not lose your exp when you die
– Costs 1 Token each time you die

KeepInv Token
– To do so you will not lose your items when you die
– Costs 1 Token each time you die

Repair Token
– To do that you can repair an object in an anvil
– costing 1 token per reparation

Wild Token
– Unlock / wild that provides access to a random teleportation between 500-20000 blocks bort.
– costing 1 token

* Exclusive of clans.


A raid is when a clan attack another clan's territory to take their objects. This is not the same as griefing, which is against our rules.
The purpose of raiding is to create a tension between different clans and do so you need to protect their objects by building a base.
There are regulations that of raiding that you should read. This is to make raiding fun for everyone. You may, for example, not to destroy unnecessarily as it can be counted as griefing.

Where to raid:
Man kan raida Clan Claims.

How to raid:
Learn more about how to find someone's claim here.

To destroy blocks in another clan's territory must use gold or diamond-tools. Wood, stone and iron can not be used to destroy the blocks.
When raiding as constituting the blocks very great damage to property. The damage is determined depending on which block you destroy, and if the area has upkeep or a base. If upkeep is missing so constituted only half damage.

When you destroy the coffins as they are locked up. Then you can left click on objects to take them. Stolen items are a Raid Item.

Restoring destroyed blocks at a raid (Within 24 hours):
Some blocks that were destroyed during a raid yesterday to restore the 24 hours after the raid took place. This costs an amount of money.
To see raids, you can either click on the info sign in Upkeep. Otherwise you can use /cl raids when you stand in Clan Claimen.
You can see which items have been stolen during a raid in the same way.

Cooldowns and restrictions on raiding:

  • RAID status is given to players in your clan who are nearby when a raid begins. This means that you can not teleport, and it takes longer to destroy blocks. The status lasts 3 minutes.

Damage on the area upkeep:
The damage is 2X if there is a basis.

Soft Blocks – Frequently blocks as dirt, stone, sand
Diamond Tools: Passes 30 blocks
Guld Tools: Passes 16 blocks

Rock Blocks – Craftade stones as least the tray, brick, concrete
Diamond Tools: Passes 6 blocks
Guld Tools: Passes 3 blocks

Hard Blocks – Obsidian and solid metal block
Diamond Tools: Passes 3 blocks
Guld Tools: Passes 1 blocks

doors (Usual):
Diamond Tools: Can 15st
Guld Tools: Can 2st

doors (Iron):
Diamond Tools: Can 10st
Guld Tools: Can 5st

loading containers: – coffins, Furnace, Hoppers
Diamond Tools: Can 2st
Guld Tools: Passes 1st

Doors and coffins cannot be opened, but can be taken apart. When you destroy a chest that does not destroy the coffin, but the lock is broken and it can open.
When you destroy Claim Upkeep get 20% of the items that are not alone in their stack.
Object which is alone in a slot has just 10% chance to be dropped.

Verify clan

To apply for verifying his clan must be at least level 10 and active. Once you have achieved the requirements, you can contact the staff via discord or ingame as we verify your clan.

Interest Point

Interest Point is an area where a oclaimat chest with a high value has been. When a point is created, you can track it, but you can also see statistics that might be interesting to examine before you decide to track down and raid the area. The radius of a point is 50 blocks.
You can ignore the points that you do not want to include in tracking using /ip ignore <id> or use the /ip
Tracking provides a map of the overworld and coordinates in chat if Nether or The End.

List of commands

For players:
/clan – Help command
/clan info – View information about the clan.
/clan tokens – See how many tokens won in clan
/clan leader – The help command for leaders
/clan create <namn> – Create a clan with the name <name>
/clan claims – Show how many private and clan Claims clan in common
/clan leave – Leave a clan
/clan deposit <summa> – Add a certain amount of money on klanbanken
/clan withdraw <summa> – Take out a set amount from klanbanken
/clan warps – List possible warps, in a menu.
/clan warp <namn> – Warp to a special klanwarp. costing 1 Warp Token

For leaders:
/clan raidclan – Make permanent if the clan to raid clan
/clan abandon – Abandon and remove a clan leader
/clan invite <spelare> – Invite a player to the clan
/clan kick <spelare> – Kick a player from the clan
/clan promote <spelare> – Give a Member more master rights (Not all, such as kick, etc.)
/clan demote <spelare> – Remove the master rights from a player
/clan transfer <spelare>Abandon the leadership to another Guild Member
/clan claiminfo – View clan-related information in the area you are in
/clan setwarp <namn> – Ways a warp at your location. Within a clan claim
/clan delwarp <namn> – Remove a warp
/clan maxdebt <summa> – The maximum liability a member may have in the clan bank.

Some commands are not yet in the current beta version.