Guidelines for Moderation

These guidelines apply to the Staff to deal with players who violate our rules mother.
Ranker to issue penalties: Staff (temporary), Moderator, Admin, Developer, Owner.
Permanent bans can only be lifted by the Development Lead, after an email has been sent to

Warnings and confrontations

  • At Mineworlds, we want to give players a new chance and the opportunity to explain themselves. Confront the player for more information on why violations have occurred. If the player acts in a reasonable manner, for example, if you apologize, you can issue a warning instead of a penalty.
  • Where the confrontation takes place can be a delicate trade-off between the chat or private.
  • If a warning does not work and a rule violation is repeated, the punishment must be handed out instead. This also applies if the player is not available to receive an alert.


  • Penalties should only be imposed if there is reasonable evidence that a violation has taken place.
  • Bans occurs in steps: 24 hours –> 7 days –> 30 days –> Permanent.
  • Cheating and or modified clients result in 7 days already at the first incident provided that a possible warning has no effect.
  • When a sentence is made that does not automatically logged, log into discord with /discordlog <meddelande> describing what the player violated and which penalties awarded.
  • Logs located in # staff-log on Discord.

To ban a player: /mwban <spelare> <tid> <anledning> (Example: /mwban Jocke155 30d "X-ray")
If you want to use the space of the reason must be enclosed in quotes, example: "En anledning"


Cheating and or x-ray skip a step. (Warning or 7d) –> 30d –> Permanent.
Remember that warnings are not generally given for cheating. If the player in the confrontation acknowledge and repent, then a warning is given instead 24 hour Ban. Denies player or have a poor explanation excommunication directly.

  • X-ray
  • Flyhack
  • Other notches / cheats or modifications
  • Auto-clicker
  • Duplicate
  • Exploitation of serious bugs that give a big advantage

Violation of the chat rules: /mwmute <spelare>

  • BAD LANGUAGE, Racism
  • Unpleasant against other players
  • Spam, Illegal links, direct-reklam m.m

Griefing include all behaviors that are made to ruin the experience for other players.

Contact Development Lead for rollback or restore of objects. Suffice it with a warning, because it is possible to roll back. Repeated it so follow stages.
/co i is used to determine who has destroyed what.


AFK farming is permitted as long as there is no significant negative effect on the server's finances. Kick the player with a reasonable reason if it is without a doubt about something that affects the economy negatively.


last updated 2020-09-12.