Server reset? (Vote)

Him Forums Updates Server reset? (Vote)

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  • #2194


    We have received several proposals to do a reset on the server so that all who are still interested in playing and try out the beta has the opportunity to start from scratch.

    The plan has been to make a reset when the server has been released completely, but that the open beta closed some time before the release to prepare. The server's planned release is when 1.14 come out sometime in early 2019.

    This is a decision that we must take together, as there are still players who do not want to lose their progress. Depending on the majority that wins the vote Mineworld's future will evolve in different ways:

    If the reset is done now (1.13)
    * We do a reset of all worlds, clans, Money and progress.
    * All players have the opportunity to create new clans, Claims and start over with their progress.
    * Testing from scratch will be good for release when the 1.14 comes.
    * When the server is released zeroed server again. (This we vote when the time comes)
    * The server will be available all the way to the release.

    If the reset occurs during the release
    * The server will remain as it is now, less and less activity tests.
    * Testing of the foundation must be done before the release, which means that the server will be down for some time until we feel that we have tested clear.

    Future updates
    Future major updates or changes will take place every Thursday in the future. This is to make it easier to keep track of what's changed and for that we developers should be able to restart the server without affecting your players too much. Minor bug-fixes will be released when player numbers allows it.

    We will also introduce a peaceful world that will never be reset. It will either be introduced upon its release with a 1.14-world or now, with 1.13. More on this later.

    I personally think that a reset can be useful for the Server's development, then, together, we can change the things that we think would have been bad for the server when it is released completely. Your suggestions and opinions are highly valued and are important for the Server's development!


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