Update 9 (1.14.4)

The server is updated to 1.14.4 which is expected to be the last update to Minecraft before 1.15.

This is an older update log did not get published before the summer.

  • It is now only raid clans (/cl raidclan) which can raid, this is because it requires too easy to violate rule 5.1 and 5.2.
  • You must now wait 14 days before one can leave or delete the clan if you made the clan to raid clan.
  • Fixed a bug where you could get stuck when you die in The End and the Nether.
  • Fixed a bug where you respawned on top of the roof in Nether.
The End
  • The End has received a reset. (2019-07-16)
  • New items:
    Spectral Ore: A new rare currency you can get through Levels.
    Staff of Control: You can mind control mobs.
    Angel Ring: Makes it possible to fly when held.
    Capture Egg: Catch and release the monsters in an egg.
    Worn Battle Axe: New weapon that gets random damage when you get the item.
  • Changed items:
    Snowball Cannon can now put out the fire.
    Unknown seen now have a set-bonus (Resistance 2)
    Moneybag now working to put out and Mythical moneybag is now worth $ 10k instead of $ 50k.
    Several items have been balancing their enchants and lore is updated.
    Iron Clad Staff now have a random attack damage.
  • Deleted items:
    Car is no longer obtainable as loot.
    Baker's Bread is no longer possible to get as loot.
  • New things can be sold: Mycelium, Vine, Magma block, Ice, Leaves.
  • The value of the object rarities now appears in /value
  • Ender Pearls are now worth $2 instead of $5.
  • Bamboo is now worth 1$ for 4 pieces.
  • Raid clans get a bonus when selling based on clan level. (half a point per level)
  • Drops are now demanding 10 items for tradeup instead 5.
  • Ny Rift boss: Pirate Captain
  • Mega Rifts (Level 20) can now spawna The End 2 hour cooldown.
  • Reduced number of rifts that spawns after another on the same player.
  • Master Scyer is now poised 8 players instead of 10.
  • The chance of artifact increased from 5.5% per item to 7.675%.
  • Fixed outside of the Dungeon 1 and dungeon 1 Easy to mobs not spawn there.
  • Levels are now crossbow and shield.
  • Exp can now get from rifts.
  • New perks for light armor. heavy armor, rifts, Monster, autocrop (farming), and fishing.
  • Shipping costs for trades is now removed.
  • Increased time it takes for the price goes down from 30 minutes to 45 minutes.
  • The price of lootboxes is now doubled.
  • SuperboxRare + is no longer available.
  • Repair Token is now sold for $2000, separately from other tokens.
  • improved notifications.
  • Fixed a bug where the bidder player did not get their money back when the object was bought out.
  • The Hunger Games is now reintroduced. (Beta)
  • Votes now provides $2500 instead of $1000 per vote.
  • The guide inside the game now displays a summary of the rules and support for multiple pages.
  • The wizard now has a page that shows how to claimar.
  • Applications for staff is now over discord, and requires that you have verified your discord with the server.