Guidelines for Staff

At Mine Worlds so expect all the players and staff to follow our rules. These guidelines apply to everyone who is a Staff. Information about role specializations can be read more about below.

1.1 active, Inactive and Veteran Staff member

An active staff member means that you are active on the server in different ways. We expect you to be contactable and contribute to the server in different ways. It does not necessarily have to be about playing on the server, without participating in discussions on Discord, votes and so on. Active staff gets access to the # staff-active channel on discord and the Staff rank inside the game.

But an inactive staff member means that you are not contributing to the server at the moment and that Development Lead has deactivated the role. Then we do not expect you to be contactable or contribute to the server. This can be done with or without notice if a staff member has not contributed for a period of approximately two months. Therefore, make sure to be available at least once a month for one “checkup” which you can read more about below.

With a veteran, it is urged that you pause your position as a staff member, or that you have actively chosen not to actively contribute anymore. Then it is possible to resume the position in the future. Read more about it in 1.8. This fits well when life comes in between but you still feel that you want to resume Minecraft in the future.

1.2 Checkups

A checkup takes place once a month where the purpose is to plan resource management for the coming month. Development Lead then needs to know who is active, who are inactive and who intend to contribute to the server. This prevents too high goals from being set based on how many are active on the server, and whether it is relevant to search for more staff members. It is mandatory to respond to a checkup, then it forms the basis of whether your role will be disabled or not.

1.3 Violation of the rules

Staff have no exceptions when it comes to the rules that apply to regular players. They must be followed and this is something that we expect when the staff rank is given out. Breaking our rules which staff are much more serious than if a player violates a rule.
In the case of serious breaches of the rule, the role is withdrawn to facilitate internal investigation, at less incidents given a warning. Development Lead determines what is classified as serious rule violations. Repeated minor incidents are seen as a serious rule breach.
Affected players should always be offset when a violation has somehow affected the gameplay experience in a negative way.

1.4 Specializations

As a staff, you have the opportunity to specialize to gain access to more commands and rights. Among other things, you can specialize as a builder, moderator, admin, developer, tester. When you unlock a specialization by learning it and confirming that you understand it, you get access to the rights as well as a title in-game and on discord. The rights must be used responsibly and in the event of abuse they are revoked. Right now there is no automatic system for this, but it is done through a dialogue with Development Lead.

1.5.1 Tester, updates and developments

Tests of new updates and features should not affect regular players in production. Exceptions to this apply when the server is in alpha or beta.

New updates will not be admitted to the production server without thorough testing. They will not be admitted if there are regular players online. Exceptions to this are possible at night 22:00 – 06:00.

Minor improvements and bug fixes can be added if players must pay.
Trello and Google Docs are used to facilitate development. (Read more about Trello of Staff Portal)

1.6 Verification and vote

Staff are expected to use the verifications we have (Discord) for us to be able to be a role model for players and to show that there are advantages to actually do it. Discord-verification will also be used to more easily reach you as staff, and to test new features.

Staff are also expected to vote for the server, which will help players to find the server easier. This is not a rule, but a strong recommendation as it helps the server appear.

1.7 Invitation to Staff and applications

If a player follows our rules and contributes to the server by helping other players, we can offer him to become a Staff, without an application needed. In other cases, there is a need for an application. Development Lead decides who can be offered staff.

1.8 Recalling

If a staff-member no longer wants to be staff you can recall and get the role “Veteran”. This means that you were once an active staff member but chose to no longer be. If you wish to get your rank back that is possible in the future. Recalling is not the same thing as inactivity, and should not be used to get around checkups.

1.9 Roll-specific descriptions

Founder of Mine Worlds and currently owner of the physical hardware, data and domain names.

Development Lead:
The management team takes the main decisions regarding server.

Perform rollbacks at griefing and monitors player using MWAC. (/co i , /co rollback u:<spelare> t:<tid> r:<avstånd>)
Keeps Moderators, Supports and players.
Read the guidelines for moderation before the penalty given.

Community Manager:
Holding competitions and official events on the server and the communication that takes place between the community and staff. Can be considered as both the Moderator or Admin.
Read the guidelines for the Community Manager here.

Keeps track of players so that the rules are followed.
Can also use Core Protect to inspect if someone has griefat. command: /co i
Read the guidelines for moderation before the penalty given.

Build different buildings that are used on the server.

Testing new features together with developers.

The guidelines were last updated 2020-09-12